What if you have a robot army to do all the rough work for your event? This is not science fiction; this is the reality of many event managers. Instead of manually processing the registration, running a check on the bank, or trying to track everything in Excel, they use software that acts like a robot to do all this for them. And that’s just the beginning. There is software that can do just about anything you can imagine for your event. Such as helping you create beautiful event invites, updating your event’s social media, or managing signups automatically.

Ariana Stecker, a world-renowned planner event management solution and Chief Operating Officer of Save the Date. An event planning company, said that top event managers are the most widely utilized technology. For example, he sees clients easily raise 20% more money from their events by simply using the software to enable online registration and bidding. He further points out that technology not only make things easier for event managers, but also a better overall experience for the guests. If you want to raise more money and make managing your event easier, read on! There are many great options for all types of organizations.

Try event analytics Great Free All-In-One. One of them is Wild Apricot is the membership management software and membership management number 1 that is used by more than 20,000 organizations. Along with event management, Wild Apricot also offers a complete all-in-one platform for creating websites. This management is by using online registration and payments. Contact databases and email systems that can be searched with professional email templates and design newsletters. Start your free trial of Apricot Wild now. You’ll soon be able to set up a full website and calendar event to start enrolling event participants and processing online payments instantly.

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